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Pet Hotel

Writing and publishing on the collaboration between creative arts and family therapy provides clinicians and students with a broader perspective on the interdisciplinary possibilities in therapeutic work. In line with the growing awareness of the importance of experiential and arts therapies, and the value of adding a system's perspective, it seems that sharing the knowledge from various disciplines could offer a unique, potent therapeutic modality which integrates their unique knowledge and strengths.

Nemesh, B. (2018). Implementing family-based musical interventions in family therapy: A mixed- methods research. Contemporary Family Therapy, 40 (1), 84-98.  doi: 10.1007/s10591-017-9453-7

Nemesh, B. (2017). Family therapist’ perspectives on implementing musical interventions in family therapy: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Family Psychotherapy, 28 (2), 118-133.

doi: 10.1080/08975353.2017.1285655


Nemesh, B. (2016c). Musical interventions in Satir's experiential family therapy. Satir International Journal, 4 (1), 73-75.

Nemesh, B. (2016b). Family-based music therapy: From dissonance to harmony. 

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 26 (2), 167-184.

Nemesh, B. (2016a) Family-Based Music Therapy: Family Therapists' Perspectives. Dissertations & Theses @ Lesley University; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Nemesh, B. (2009, Nov. 28). "Sculpting self-worth using the Satir Model – Miranda's lost voice".

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